The Master Key System Part Six

Summary of Part Six of The Master Key System

Aspiration, desire and harmonious relations constantly and consistently maintained will accomplished results.

We must possess poise and harmony within and come into harmonious relationship with the Universal.

The Universal mind is so wonderful with its unlimited producing effects.

Thoughts is mind in motion and its effect will depend entirely on the mechanism to which it is attached.

Most of us are ignorant to the greatest piece of mechanism, the brain of man.

This world will respond to our desire according to our purpose and faith.

Purpose must be in accordance with the law of our being.

Faith must be strong enough to generate sufficient strength to bring our purpose into manifestation.

The effects which are produced in the world without are the result of action and reaction upon the Universe.

Every beauty to which you respond must have its corresponding outline in the brain.

The brain is an embryonic world, ready to develop anytime.

Your understanding of the mechanism which is within your control will the result depend.

At first, the substance upon which the thought is directed fails to respond.

If the thought is sufficiently refined and concentrated, the substance finally yields and expresses perfectly.

This influence of the mind can be exerted upon any part of the body, causing the elimination of any undesirable effect.

You must look within and make use of the mighty forces to bring you into vibration with all the best and strongest desire.

Attention or concentration is the most important essential in the development of the mind culture.

Possibilities of attention when properly directed are so startling.

Cultivation of attention is the distinguishing characteristics of every successful man and woman.

Compare attention to the magnifying glass in which the rays of sunlight are focused.

Focus your thoughts through attention on a single purpose and nothing becomes impossible.

You can't concentrate for ten minutes, the mind will wander because you have not been able to hold your thoughts steady.

Through attention and practice, you can overcome that.

Practice the exercise below and you can control your mental moods, attitude and consciousness.

You can only receive ideas when you are receptive, who are prepared to receive them in successful frame of mind.

You must learn the unity of all things and principles of thinking to change conditions and multiply results.

Growth follows knowledge, action follows inspiration and opportunity follows perception.

You are the channel and the possibilities are inexhaustible.

Thought is the process by which we may absorb the Spirit of power.

Hold the result until it becomes a part of our ordinary consciousness.

Accomplishing the result by persistent practice.

The two great sources of human suffering are bodily disease and mental anxiety due to infringement of Natural Law.


Part Six Exercise: Be Still and inhibit all thought, relax body and cultivate the power of attention.

Select the same room if possible, sit with back straight, prevent any thoughts from running in your mind and 

keep perfectly still for 15 minutes or more. 

Also relax your entire body to remove pressures on nerves and eliminate tension

Let go of all negative and destructive thoughts mindfully.

Examine a photographs for ten minutes, noting expression of eyes, features, clothing and every details.

Close your eyes and try to see it mentally until you can see every detail perfectly in your mind.

Repeat the process until you achieve that.

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