The Master Key System Part Eight

Summary of Part Eight of The Master Key System

Result of your thought is governed by immutable law.

By complying with the law we can secure desired effect with precision.

Thoughts result in action and if your thought is constructive and harmonious, the result will be good.

Good or evil is how you use your thoughts.

Thought takes form and law of growth brings it into manifestation.

Thought persisted in cannot fail to produce its result in the individual.

Begin to substitute constructive though for destructive thought and analyze every thought.

Imagination leads to the development of the ideal out of which your future will emerge.

Imagination is the light by which we can penetrate new worlds of thought and experience.

Imagination is a plastic power, molding the things of sense into new forms and ideals.

Imagination is the constructive form of though which much precede every constructive form of action.

Imagination must be exercised to cultivate mental muscle.

Constructive imagination means mental labor, the hardest kind of labor but yields the greatest returns.

All power is from within and it must be cultivated and we must be receptive.

Law of attraction will bring to you conditions, environment and experiences in life, corresponding to your predominant mental attitude.

You cannot entertain negative thoughts for ten hours and expect positive result by ten minutes of positivity.

Recognize the desire, affirming it as yours and work on your consciousness until you become one with it.

Thought is the germ of man's conscious evolution.

You will hear the call when circumstances are ready to materialize your plans and 

results will correspond in the exact ratio of your fidelity to your ideal.


Part Eight Exercise: Be Still and inhibit all thought, relax body and visualize.

Select the same room if possible, sit with back straight, prevent any thoughts from running in your mind and 

keep perfectly still for 15 minutes or more. 

Also relax your entire body to remove pressures on nerves and eliminate tension

Let go of all negative and destructive thoughts mindfully.

Take an object and follow it back to its origination.

You will develop imagination, insight, perception and sagacity.


Visualize a battleship, largest part of the vessel is under water and it is heavy.

It is prepared to hurl steel projectile weighting thousand of pounds at enemy many miles away.

How did the battleship come into existence?

Follow the steel plates through the foundries, see men in production, go back further, see the ore from the mind, see it melted.

See architect plan the vessel, go so far back that the vessel is something intangible.

 Back some more, how it is plan, opposition about the building of the ship.

Back to someone discovering the law that make steel and iron float.

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