The Master Key System Part Fifteen

Summary of Part Fifteen of The Master Key System

The Universe are governed by a law of periodicity, the Septimal Law.

Law of Sevens governs the life of individuals and Nations and Dominates activities of the commercial world.

Through an understanding and operation of spiritual laws, we can convert difficulty into blessing.

Wealth is a product of labor.

Definition of wealth are agreeable things which possess exchange value.

The Exchange value is a medium for securing the things of real value whereby our ideals may be realized.

Success is contingent upon a higher ideal than the mere accumulation of riches.

You much formulate an ideal for which you are willing to strive, a definite fixed purpose.

"Successful man possessed great spiritual understanding and great fortune comes of superior and truly spiritual power."

Three steps of spiritual power: Idealization, visualization and materialization.

You must have the power to see a thing in its completeness.

Human experience is the result of an orderly and harmonious sequence.

The subtle forces of thought as they crystallize in our daily moods is what constitutes life.

We cannot permanently retain anything which we do not merit or have earned.

What we entertain through senses result in a mental image which become a pattern for creative energies.

We can form our own mental images through our interior processes of thought and 

by the exercise of this power that we can control our destiny, body, mind and soul.

To control thought is to control circumstances, conditions, environment and destiny.

It depends upon the depth of the impression, predominance of the idea, clarity of the vision and boldness of image.

The vitality depends upon the feeling with which the thought is impregnated. If constructive, it will possess vitality, have life, grow, develop and expand; it will attract to itself everything necessary for its complete development.

To visualize a different environment, the process is hold the ideal in mind until your visions has been made real. The right persons, the right things will come at the right time and in the right place.

Destiny can be controlled through the power of visualization.

Natural laws work in a perfectly natural and harmonious manner; it "just happen".

Feeling is the fountain head of power and can easily overcome the intellect by putting feeling into our thought.

Thought and feeling is the irresistible combination.


Part Fifteen Exercise: Be Still and inhibit all thought, relax body and visualize.

Select the same room if possible, sit with back straight, prevent any thoughts from running in your mind and 

keep perfectly still for 15 minutes or more. 

Also relax your entire body to remove pressures on nerves and eliminate tension.

Bring yourself to a realization of the important fact that harmony and happiness are states of consciousness, not possession of things.

Things are effects and come as a consequence of correct mental states.

Your chief concern must be to acquire the mental attitude which will bring about the result desired.

Realized our spiritual nature and our unity with the Universal mind which will bring about everything which is necessary for our complete enjoyment.

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