The Master Key System Part Twelve

Summary of Part Twelve of The Master Key System

Concentrate on your thoughts and give them attention and you will attract thoughts in harmony with them.

You must fertilize the thought with a living purpose.

Focus on the thought and hold it there, exclude others.

Concentrate upon the object as your result will be in accordance to the mental picture.

Your life's purpose can be accomplished through understanding of the creative power of thought.

Man's creative power to think is unlimited.

Three essential steps: You must have the knowledge of your power, the power to dare and the faith to do.

Thought is omnipotent and has the power to draw from primary substance for all that it requires.

Your ideal must be definite and clear, not scatter thoughts. Fix the ideal.

You must come into understanding of natural laws. Your degree of success depends on your ability to cooperate with this omnipotence.

Those who harbor negative thoughts must inevitably reap what they have sown.

Thought will correlate with its object and bring forth in the material world the correspondence of the thing thought or produced in the mental world.

Feeling is desire and desire is love. Thought impregnated with love becomes invincible.

Law of love is the creative force behind every manifestation, imagination can form any conception.

Thought and love combine to be law of attraction.

We govern our thought forces today and create the events which will come into our lives in the future.

Be familiar with omnipotence of law of attraction and begin to create the necessary brain cells which will enable you to comprehend the unlimited powers by cooperating with natural law through concentration or attention.

It is in the Silence that you get in touch with the power of subconscious mind which all power is evolved.


Part Twelve Exercise: Be Still and inhibit all thought, relax body and visualize.

Select the same room if possible, sit with back straight, prevent any thoughts from running in your mind and 

keep perfectly still for 15 minutes or more. 

Also relax your entire body to remove pressures on nerves and eliminate tension.

Realize you unity with omnipotence and get into touch with this power with a deep understanding, appreciation and realization of the fact that your ability to think is your ability to act upon the Universal mind.

Realized that each is an expression of the One and all are parts of the whole, the only difference being one of degree

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