The Master Key System Part Four

Summary of Part Four of The Master Key System

Thought Is energy and energy is power.

Causes have been ignored for manifestation.

Master Key only interested in the cause toward happiness, success, etc

You must understand the Law of abundance and go to the source of supply.

The "I" of you is not physical body, mind and is an instrument.

You must come into realization the power of this "I".

Your personality is made up of character and conditioning and is not the real "I".

Real nature of "I" is spiritual and is the source of power.

Most amazing power of "I" is the power to think and to think constructively.

Every transaction must benefit every person that is connected with the transaction.

Welfare of each depends upon a recognition of the interest of the whole.

Strongest affirmations to strengthen the Will and realizing your power is "I can be what I will to be."

Understand the true nature of "I" and you will be invincible.

Provided your purposes are constructive and in harmony with Universe.

If you start something at all, complete it, else you are forming habit of failure. 

Finish through what you started no matter what happened. The "I" is determined and have power.

Never allow the "I" to be overruled and through practice, you will gain control.

When you control yourself and found the World Within, it controls the World without and you become irresistible.

World Within is controlled by "I" and "I" is one with Universal Power.

Herbert Spender said, "we are in the presence of an Infinite and Eternal Energy".

Lyman Abbott said, "we are coming to think of God as dwelling in Man".

To be of service, we need Power and to get power, we must give.

The more we give, the more we shall get. 

Universe is seeking channel to express it's good and greatest service to mankind.

You need to quiet your senses for Universe cannot express to busy mind.

You are to become a creator, the bigger ideals you can conceive, the more important  the work will become.

Power comes through repose. In Silence we can be still and can think and thought is the secret to all attainment.

Thought is mode of motion and is carried by the Law of vibration.

It is given Vitality by the emotions through Law of Love.

Takes form and expression by Law of Growth.

To express Abundance, emotions must be called upon to give feeling to the thought so it can take form.

Mental exercise is secured the same way as physical exercise.

Think think same thing repeatedly and it becomes easier, then becomes mental habit, finally becomes automatic.

You can let go of all things but mentally determining you can, through persistence.

Do not be controlled by emotion, guide your intellect to gain victory over yourself.

It is hard. You must practice destroying negative and destructive thoughts until you master it.

Part Four Exercise: Be Still and inhibit all thought, relax body and let go all

Select the same room if possible, sit with back straight, prevent any thoughts from running in your mind and 

keep perfectly still for 15 minutes or more. 

Also relax your entire body to remove pressures on nerves and eliminate tension

Let go of all negative and destructive thoughts mindfully.

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